Studio Box Mark III

Studio Box Mark III

4.6 of 5
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Download Size: 30.28 GB

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$ 399

 19.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Studio Box MK III banner

10.000 foley sound effects and ambiences

State-of-the-art sound effects, surroundings and ambiences created by leading foley artists and sound designers.

  • 10.000 royalty-free sound effects (30 gigabyte)
  • 16 and 24 bit WAV
  • Easy to use guide

Studio Box, now available in version Mark III, is one of the most complete soundeffect collections and a comprehensive foley library for your film,- advertising-, games- and music-productions.

Studio Box Recordings


Nature Backgrounds and Ambiences

We used multiple microphone positions to capture exciting and unique natural environments never heard before in all this variety.
All nature sounds were recorded in North America and Europe.

Wind, storm, rain, hail, thunder, fire, water (coast, river, lake, drops, splash, underwater recordings), country and village scenes with birds, crickets and cicadas and more animals (frogs, chicken, cow, dog, horse, pig, sheep, sea animals).

Humanity in all its Variety It took us many years to capture all these great ambiences and voices from all over the world.

Cafe and restaurants (indoor/outdoor), solo and crowd laughter, applause, footsteps, doors being opened, shut and locked, children playing, church bells, fireworks. Announcements on airports and train stations. Sport-related sounds, with everything from baseball to wrestling: balls being beaten and kicked, karate, fencing, billiard, tennis and gymnastics. Single shots and stadion ambiences.

Traffic and Machines This comprehensive collection of technical sounds was perfectly recorded and sounds convincingly authentic. A wide range of machine noises (pneumatic, electric, hydraulic), industrial robots and alarms, mobile equipment, office and household machines.

Street atmospheres and general city ambiences. Cars, buses and trucks (driving, squeals, doors). Airplanes inside/outside, helicopter, trams and trains, harbour and boats.

Intergalactic World Amazing sounds and ambiences created by top sound designers with oscillators, filters and the finest foley artistry, all recorded using the very best recording techniques available.

The variety and creativity of these Intergalactic atmospheres will fuel your creative vision. Impressive soundscapes and punctuations for your production.

Multimedia Sounds for motion pictures, games and trailers - an extraordinary and valuable special effects resource. A great choice of button click, roll-over, cartoon effects (zap, boing, sweep, buzzers), music instruments and cluster sounds.

Studio Box Mark III comes with an easy to use cross-referenced alphabetical guide in English and German.


Sound & Recordings:

  • Terry Drivas,Washington, USA
  • Ingrid & Martin Garfoot, London, GB
  • Dieter Kandler, St Augustin, Canada
  • Horst Bösing, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany
  • Gerhard Kornhube,r Vienna, Austria
  • Markus Krause, Hamburg, Germany
  • Holger Leonhard, Munich, Germany
  • Freddy Rettberg, Hamburg, Germany

Concept & additional recordings:

  • Klaus Kandler, Munich, Germany

Studio Box MK III Content

Studio Box Mark III contains, beside an enormous amount of new sounds, all ever from Best Service released Sound FX collections like Studio Box Mark II, BlackBox, RedBox, Blue Box and FXPack)

Owners of Studio Box Mark II may purchase a budget priced upgrade.

License Agreement

Basically all the sounds of Studio Box MK III may be used royalty-free.

Purchasing this content entitles you to use the sounds in music-, multimedia-, film-, TV-, radio-, game-, webcast-, or similar productions, as long as no isolated samples, loops or phrases become available. You may not use the content in a network environment, where others have access as well.


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Flag DE spacetastenwelt 05/2017 (MK III)

Tastenwelt Logo


Die Studio Mark III ist eine Art Schweizer Messer für die Audio- und Musikproduktion. Nicht das aktuellste Archiv auf dem Markt, aber mit seinem vielseitigen, sinnvollen Angebot und der durchweg tollen Soundqualität ein Spitzenprodukt, das die meisten Standardwünsche erfüllt. Wer Live-Play-Backs oder Kompositionen mehr Leben einhauchen möchte, liegt damit richtig. Auch für Hörspiele, Video-Vertonung, Werbemusik und experimentelle Live-Klanginstallationen ist die "Studio Box 3" sehr zu empfehlen. Der Anschaffungspreis mag etwas hoch erscheinen und nicht zum schnellen Erwerb animieren; mit diesem Fundus wird man aber auf längere Sicht glücklich werden.



Flag EN spaceSound Bytes Magazine 03/2015

Soundbytes Mag


All in All

Actually there are so many subcategories in each category that it could take forever to name them all. There are 10,000 effects in this collection; this should be more than enough to cover all your lifetime musical and cinematic, game or similar video editing needs. After all, a good clip of recorded thunder can be better than some other artificial impact. It is a well-rounded collection that can cover all your Foley-effects need for many years to come. It is suitable for all sorts of other purposes, but it is so sweet to abuse things by using them in an unexpected context. And, of course, if you ever start to mess with video (and as a musician, you probably will do so sooner or later), this big collection will definitively be your best friend.

I don’t know if you realize this, but in a movie you never ever hear the actual sound. Almost all dialog is rerecorded in studio. Close your eyes during the movie and you will hear the well-known color of a studio recording. In case of ambient, even if the original sound is OK, there is always some doubling, adding extra color or impact. So good sound will take you a long way toward good video.

And what if you are a video-game professional? Then I can say to you only this – do you remember Series 1000 and the later 6000? This one is on the same level, but significantly cheaper. So, the final decision is yours.

by A. Arsov, March. 2015


full Studio Box III review at soundbytes


Flag EN spaceMusic Tech 12/03 Studio Box (MK I )

Musictech 9 from 10

Verdict: A hugely valuable effects resource, and cheap if you buy the full set.

Flag DE spaceTest bei Apfelwahn /Releasetime 08/2010 (MK II)

Apfelwahn Testnote 1

Spitzentest  von Holger Obst

Apfelwahn Logo



Das gefällt mir

Studio Box Mark II beinhaltet ein lückenloses Repertoire an allem Geräuschhaften. Der Facettenreichtum zu jedem Thema ist enorm. Die Audioqualität erfüllt professionelle Ansprüche. Mittels Suchfunktion erreicht man schnell eine Auswahl an passenden Samples zum aktuellen Thema. Viele Samples laden zu einem experimentellen musikalischen Umgang mit dem Material ein. Der Fundus an potentiellen Percussion-Sounds der besonderen Art ist schier unerschöpflich. Wer mit einem Pitch-/Time-Tool (wie Melodyne & Co.) ausgestattet ist, kann noch weit über das Thema Percussion hinaus gehen.



Flag EN spaceSound on Sound Issue April 2011 (MK II)

While not breaking any particularly new ground, for sound designers looking for a one-stop sound-effects shop, Studio Mark II covers most of the bases.

Flag DE spaceBonedo 10/2012 (MK II)

Bonedo 4.5 SterneAuszug: FAZIT

Best Service Studiobox Mark 2 ist eine ordentlich ausgestattete Geräuschesammlung zur Vertonung von Audiobeiträgen und Bewegtbild. Das Repertoire an Aufzeichnungen und synthetischen Klängen kann durchaus gängige Standardproduktionen bedienen, bietet aber auch Material (wenngleich seltener anzutreffen) das aus der Reihe tanzt. Die Quantität, aber eben auch die Qualität, geht in Anbetracht des aufzubringenden Investitionsvolumens von 399 Euro absolut in Ordnung. Der Bundle-Preis in Verbindung mit den SFX-Libraries ist im Vergleich zu anderen Sound-Collections sogar als günstig einzustufen. Selbst manches Musikstück könnte in den FX eine Bereicherung finden. Natürlich ist nicht jedes spezifische Sample dabei, das man gerade gebrauchen könnte. Und auch beim Inhaltsverzeichnis und der Verwaltung gibt es in meinen Augen Luft nach oben. Wer jedoch auf der Suche nach einem Basis-Archiv zum Aufbau einer Klangbibliothek für den (semi-)professionellen Einsatz ist, oder als Profi einfach Sounds für budgetorientierte Produktionen sucht und nicht allzuviel Exotisches erwartet, erhält einen umfangreichen Fundus mit ansprechendem Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Peter Westermeier

Bonedo Testbericht StudioBoxMark2


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
03.12.2024 Sprache: deutsch

Very good Library.

5.0 of 5
03.12.2019 Sprache: deutsch


5.0 of 5
20.07.2018 Language: englisch

Waves are much longer than I had anticipated; easy to add to my DAW; much better than MIDI imitations!


SOS 4 stars
SoundOnSound, 4 Stars

Bonedo, 4 Stars
Bonedo, 4 Stars

Apfelwahn Note 1
Apfelwahn, Note 1

MusicTech 9 from 10
MusicTechMag 9 from 10


This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

All Best Service products require you to register with the manufacturer at for downloads or activation.

Best Service products for Kontakt Player Only require you to additionally register with

For your own protection this library is provided as individual personalized files including a Digital Water Mark - DWM!