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Streams and Rivers

Streams and Rivers

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Download Size: 3.89 GB

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$ 79

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Sounds of flowing water

Just Sound Effects visited several remote locations while creating this library to record the unadulterated sounds of flowing water, including softly gurgling springs and little streams in dense forests, calm rivers between rocks or in fields, and thundering waterfalls cascading down hillsides. Utilize, layer, and creatively rework the water sounds to give your projects true character.

Streams and rivers play a significant role in our surroundings and our auditory experiences. Even though large rivers may run majestically silent, other watery creatures make a variety of intriguing noises, including bloops, splashes, sprays, sprinkles, burbles, roars, rumbles, drips, and drizzles. Every stream has a distinctive sound, and the variances are typically minor and undetectable.

Design your own water sounds

Create all kinds of flowing water, layer waterfalls into a loud roaring mass or design the pure and gentle sound of a fresh spring. Included are 120 unique sound effects, all carefully metadata tagged and seamlessly loopable to give you the highest possible comfort.

Product Information

  • Files: 120

  • Duration: 157  Minutes

  • Size: 5.42 GB

  • Format: 96khz/24bit

  • Channels: Stereo-Wav

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


For your own protection this library is provided as individual personalized files including a Digital Water Mark - DWM!